A diverse discussion surrounding laws and policies that have contributed to the urban/rural divide and the aspiration of an alternative, more resilient and more just future.
WVU College of Law
CLE credit will be available for attendees. |
9:00 AM |
Arrival and Breakfast |
9:40 AM |
Introduction by Professor Ann Eisenberg |
10:00 AM |
Academic Panel, An Academic Perspective for Rural Policy Promoting Resilience |
11:00 AM |
Christopher Williamson, Sam Petsonk & Gary Hairston, Prioritizing the Most Precious Resource: Miners & Mining Communities |
12:00 PM |
Lunch and Networking |
1:30 PM |
Land Use and Sustainable Development Clinic, WVU College of Law Square Pegs in Round Holes: Fitting Rural Priorities into State & Federal Regulatory Schemes |
2:30 PM |
Dr. Jennifer Sherman, Washington State University College of Arts & Sciences, Rural Regulation, Access Loss & Anti-government sentiment |
3:45 PM |
WVU College of Law Panel, Make Appalachia Great Again: Investing in Labor, the Environment & Infrastructure |
4:45 PM |
Closing Remarks |