Print Editions

The West Virginia Law Review publishes one volume (three issues) yearly.  Subscriptions run from August through May.

Subscription price per volume:
Domestic: $30 individual ($27 agency)
International: $40

Subscriptions are renewed automatically each year. Checks should be payable to the West Virginia Law Review and mailed to:

WVU College of Law
PO Box 6130
Morgantown, WV 26506

Claims for missing issues should be made within 60 days of publication date. After 60 days, missing issue requests must be placed with W.S. Hein at their back issue rate.

Address changes must be received four weeks prior to publication date to ensure delivery . Please include both old and new addresses. NOTE: Undeliverable issues are returned to the West Virginia Law Review. An additional shipping cost will be incurred to forward to the correct address.

Cancellations will become effective at the end of the current volume. No refunds will be issued. Notice of subscription cancellation must be received by October 1.

The West Virginia Law Review has a limited number of single issues in stock for the current volume. Cost per issue is $12 plus shipping. If we do not have an issue in stock, you may submit a request to W.S. Hein to purchase at their back issue rate.

William S. Hein & Co., Inc.
2350 North Forest Road
Getzville, NY 14068
Phone: 1-800-828-7571

Complete electronic content of the West Virginia Law Review is available via HeinOnline, Westlaw, and LexisNexis through subscriptions to those services.

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